Stour Vale Academy Trust
Our biannual Stour Vale professional learning events bring local governors and trustees together to benefit from high-quality professional learning about current developments in education. These friendly, lively and informative events also provide a great opportunity to find out more about member schools and to network with other Stour Vale governors. Our summer 2022 event refreshed governor knowledge of performance and attainment data as we returned to externally marked exams and assessments following the pandemic. Then in January 2023 governors developed in-depth understanding of the updated government guidance on suspensions and permanent exclusions.
All Stour Vale governors and directors have access to professional learning. This includes online articles and training modules from the National Governance Association and Learning Link, the Confederation of School Trusts, bespoke Trust-wide training delivered by Stour Vale staff and outside speakers, and other professional learning provided in the member schools.
Our next training event for governors in Stour Vale member schools will take place on Tuesday 10th September 2024. Please click here for further details and to complete the form.